Phase I

Phase I of the DOE-funded EIPC project ran from 2010 to 2011.  Its tasks included aggregating regional transmission expansion plans into a Roll-up Report, performing interregional analysis, and conducting macrocosmic analyses on 8 Futures.  See the Statement of Project Objectives (SOPO) for more detailed information or use the links below to access specific Phase I resources.

Phase I Resources

SSC Work Groups

  • Roll-Up Work Group (RUWG) - The RUWG focused on liaising with and providing feedback to the EIPC Planning Authorities as they developed their 10-year transmission plan integration, referred to as the Roll-Up of Regional Plans (Task2)

  • Scenario Planning Work Group (SPWG) - The SPWG focused on assisting the SSC with Task 4, the development of the eight Macroeconomic Futures and 72 sensitivities to be studied in the Task 5 Macroeconomic Analysis.

  • Modeling Work Group (MWG) - The MWG helped stakeholders understand the requirements and capabilities of the models used in this project; developed the values and inputs needed to model the agreed-upon Futures, Sensitivities, and Scenarios; and provided post-processing analyses as requested by the SSC.

  • Scenario Task Force (STF) - The Scenario Task Force developed recommendations for the three Scenarios to be studied in Phase II (Task 6a).

Phase I Documents

Modeling Results Futures & Sensitivities

Futures and Scenarios Studied